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Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

September 5

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8)


Jesus tells us that those who are pure in heart are blessed and shall see God. To have a pure heart implies that, by nature, hearts are impure—burdened by rust, decay, and desperately in need of cleansing. Every decision and interaction is filtered through the lens of this decayed heart, one that cries out for renewal and transformation.

This cleansing comes through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, as one continuously runs to the cross, finding nourishment for the soul. It is where impurities of this world are removed, breaking the stone encasing hearts and providing a heart of flesh. A newness of life is given, where the desire is to see the face of the Almighty, who makes hearts holy through the work of the Son, Jesus Christ. We are made clean instantly through the redemptive work of the cross and are continuously refined until the day we can sing, “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise” (Rev 5:12), in eternity.

How have you changed since committing your life to the Lord? In what areas are you being refined right now?

Lord in heaven, thank you for caring so deeply that you continually work in hearts, refining them to the praise of your glory. Give a heart of flesh, removing the heart of stone, so that love for you and others may abound. Glory to you. In Jesus' name, Amen.



Redemptive Recovery


Redemptive Recovery (RR) is a Christian recovery group and program that is modeled on biblical truths. We believe that Jesus Christ has the power to transform our lives and that the bible is our roadmap. RR meets weekly and is for anyone currently navigating the challenges of addiction and also those that are further along in their recovery.

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